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Watermarking of Polygonal Data

In joint work with Stefan Huber, Roland Kwitt, Peter Meerwald and Andreas Uhl we study the watermarking of 2D vector data and introduce a framework which preserves topological properties of the input. Our framework is based on so-called maximum perturbation regions (MPR) of the input vertices, which is a concept similar to the just-noticeable-difference constraint. The MPRs are computed by means of the Voronoi diagram or constrained Delaunay triangulations of the input and allow us to avoid (self-)intersections of input objects that might result from the embedding of the watermark. We demonstrate and analyze the applicability of this new framework by coupling it with a well-known approach to watermarking that is based on Fourier descriptors. However, our framework is general enough such that any robust scheme for the watermarking of vector data can be applied.

This research was supported by the Austrian FWF Grants L367-N15 and P 25816-N15.

[MPRs] MPRs (in blue) on a GIS dataset of the city of Salzburg. Click on the thumbnail in order to see a larger image.

Related publications:

S. Huber, M. Held, R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald (2014):
"Topology-Preserving Watermarking of Vector Data".
Int. J. Computational Geometry and Applications, 24(1):61--86, Mar 2014.

S. Huber, M. Held, R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald (2012):
"Topology-Preserving Watermarking of Vector Data".
Proc. 28th Europ. Workshop Computational Geometry, p. 77-80, Assisi, Perugia, Italy, Mar 2012.

S. Huber, R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, M. Held, A. Uhl (2010):
"Watermarking of 2D Vector Graphics with Distortion Constraint".
IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2010), p. 480--485, Singapore, July 2010.

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