& municipality |
1857 |
-WW1 |
+WW1 |
Crisis |
+WW2 |
Home War |
7.955 |
8.739 |
8.343 |
8.378 |
6.826 |
3.238 |
1.089 |
1.412 |
1.564 |
1.541 |
1.629 |
188 |
1.643 |
1.846 |
1.980 |
1.480 |
896 |
359 |
12.271 |
16.943 |
17.130 |
14.428 |
12.611 |
11.459 |
6.304 |
10.107 |
9.788 |
8.756 |
7.485 |
4.430 |
1.330 |
1.915 |
1.934 |
2.050 |
2.086 |
1.237 |
-WW1 -> World War One (1914-18);
+WW1 -> After World War One Crisis - World wide economic crisis;
+WW2 -> World War Two;
Home War -> in 1991/2 prior to the Independence of Croatia
I believe the above data give quite a significant information
about the major emigration periods from six Adriatic islands. The islands
changed hands between states like: Italy, Austrian-Hungarian Double Monarchy,
to Kingdom of Yugoslavia and as from 1945 all to S.F.R. Yugoslavia.
Southward aerial viev on Island of Susak.
The island of Susak is situated in the west of Kvarner's bay in the northern
part of the Adriatic Sea with the northern latitude at 44°31' and eastern
one at 14°19'. The surface of the island is 375 hectares with the highest
elevation point at 98 m above sea level. Susak is a small open sea island
that significantly differs from all other islands of Aspyrtides archipelago
in geology, its non symmetrical shape and less indented shore. Susak is
situated westward of Mali Losinj's harbor and across Channel of Unije.
The islands Veli and Mali Srakan and Unije are further northwards where
as island of Losinj closer i.e. some 8 miles from Mali Losinj's harbor.
Susak is truly small island being 3 km long and 1.5 km wide. Its relief
is not flat everywhere as there are depressions and ravines, which appeared
as the result of loose sand erosion. Flat areas occupy the largest percentage
of the island (253 ha or 67%), coves and depression some 107 ha or 29%
while the rest the total island surface (15 ha or 4%) occupies the only
It's a small wonder of nature differing by many characteristics to other
Adriatic islands. The thick layers of minute sand of Aeolian origin cover
deep down basic calcareous foundation of the island. One still doesn't
know exactly how this sandy island developed. The first researches started
Abbot Albert Fortis in 1770 and in 1903 D. Gorjanovic suggested that lower
sandy layers were sediments created by the inflow of river Po. The upper
layers of yellow sandy loamy material are Aeolin alluvion blown and deposited
on top here. In thick layers of fine sand are concealed remnants of terrestrial
snails but there aren't any remnants of sea life organisms (A. Bognar,
1979). It has also been suggested that submarine springs caused sand accumulation
which surfaced with tectonic elevations.
Ivan the Deacon mentioned the island's name as SANSAGUS in the Venetian
chronicle for the first time in 844. Surprisingly there is a large number
of old nautical charts, where the island is mentioned under the name of
SUSAK. It was an important navigational western point of the archipelago
on the outer sea passage from Istria to central Dalmatia. The oldest nautical
chart, which mentions Susak, is "Carta Pisana" from the late 13th century.
Its name is also found on 14th and 15th century charts including all the
charts of Dutch and Italian cartographers of 16th century. Sgrooten's chart
from 1593 contains for the first time a scheme of the settlement. Cornellius'
chart from the late 17th century mentions the settlement's name with a
tower as "Villa e torre di Sansego". In a more detailed chart by A. Fortis
of 1771 shown is a settlement with the church , a harbor and a few coves
and capes.
Northward aerial view of the Old Susak - the Upper settlement -
and the island's harbor.
The history books mention Sansego alias Susak relatively late. Early 11th
century Ivan the Deacon wrote about Saracens who destroyed a Venetian fleet
made them run away near the island in 844. Afterwards Susak was mentioned
several times in various documents, charts and official papers of Venetian
dodges like in 1208, 1229, 1280 and 1356.
The island's history is painful but glorious since it has been exposed
to conquest, plunder and violation of basic human rights, freedom and dignity.
First known inhabitants were the Illyrians and some Greek sailors reached
also this island. Romans settled down here some time before the birth of
Christ. Under their domination Susak and other islands of Kvarner area,
Istria and Dalmatia fall under the jurisdiction of the Province of Dalmatia.
Together they became a part of the Illyrian Province.
The Croats populated these islands in the early Middle Ages. After their
immigration they lived together with other inhabitants under the supreme
rule of the Byzantine Emperor. These islands became a part of the Croatian
Kingdom during 10th and 11th centuries, which was reigned by a Hungarian
king later. The Venetian Republic ruled over some islands until 1797 when
they become part of the Napoleon's Illyria until 1815. The Austrian-Hungarian
Monarchy annexed this region as per the Viennese congress' resolution.
Susak stays under Monarchy's domination until the end of WW1 when it falls
to Italy (the Treaty of Rapallo). There was a short partisan administration
in 1943 until the German army occupied Susak staying there until end of
WW2 in 1945. At last Susak became part of S.F.R. Yugoslavia upon Peace
Treaty of Paris in 1947.
Susak was a summer resort for wealthier Romans who came from the land or
the near-by islands. After the Saracens had defeated Venetians in the north
Adriatic some took refuge on islands like Srakane and Susak. There was
a Benedictine monastery on Susak since 11th century but inhabitants' number
and dwellings are unknown. As from 14th century the monastery has declined
and the church, as well as other churches on Unije and Ilovik turned into
I've noticed some people having a different complexion compared to the
other islanders during my first visit to Susak in 1949. One told us about
several French armies' deserters who found refuge on the island early in
18th century. Soon after problems aggravated with the Yugoslav Navy on
Susak which caused the great population exodus.
The baroque altar to St.Nicholas from 17th century
a cross from 12th century. |
'VELI BUOH' in the parish church on Island of Susak. |
Now, 49 years later, Susak's small harbor provides a perfect mooring
for sailing boats. Close to it a new settlement sprang out on old ground
and one sees a lot of building activities still going on. In the Lower
Susak one sees mostly renovated old houses and several newly built ones
for tourists. There are few new commercial venues like restaurants, rent-a-houses
and a new wine merchant enterprise. One has to ascend a steep stairway
to get to the historical old or Upper Susak. We've visited there the recently
refurbished Parish church where I've met Don Antun Turcic who presented
me the first copy of his book (used for reference here). Most impressing
of impressing items in the church is the cross "Veli Buoh" (Great God).
Nobody knows how this cross (estimated from 12th century) came to the island
but a legend says that it was washed ashore. Along a ravine grows reed
and bamboo in the sandy loom of the island's higher plateau.
MERINA - the graveyard on the Island of Susak. |
Reed and bamboo on sands of Susak island. |
One of Susak's ravine with reed and bamboo Walking on a slightly ascending
path out of the village one comes soon to island's only graveyard "Merina"
and its chapel of Mournful Lady. I was astonished finding there so many
new tombs belonging to people who had emigrated and returned to their native
ground as the dead only. It's interesting that there are rather few surnames
engraved on white tombstones. These are family's surnames some of which
still exist on the island today like: Busanic (6 families), Hroncic (1),
Lister (2), Matesic (12), Mirkovic (1), Morin (9), Picinic (18), Sutora
(1), Skrivanic (5) and Tarabokija (11).
A Cooperative wine cellar existed from 1936 to 1969 on the island. The
late cellar's capacity was 6000 hectoliters and all necessary equipment
for manufacturing wine. Before 1940 about 1400 tones of grapes were gathered
a year in the period from 15th August until the end of September. The late
cooperative produced about 88% of good black wine, 10% of white wine and
2% of table wines only. One produced following sorts: black wines "Suscan"
and "Susac", red wine (rose) "Trojiscina", white wine "Krizol" and wines
"Boldun" and "Ranac". The sweet "Prosek" is made from dried grapes and
is our favorite but is getting to your knees too fast though. Therefore
drink it slowly. However, there are some 15 nicely cultivated vineyards
albeit 62% of island's surface are still abandoned vineyards today.
Susak's national costume was somehow different from the all other ones
of Adriatic islands. Most interesting is women's costume consisting of
several layers which artistic designs originate from various time periods
and cultural environments. They are strictly made for a specific life age
or certain occasion. Costume named "po susacku" (in a way of Susak) is
for every day's use where as the one "po losinsku" (in a way of Losinj)
is for festive occasions.
Simple working attire of older female has two main characteristics:
a very short black skirt "kamizot" hardly reaching knees, a vest called
"bust" which tightens chest and waist so that the upper part of the body
looks elongated. Bust is a sleeveless vest made of red or blue cloth and
worn over a white cotton shirt tightened around the neck with a "bravaroul"
made of white flaxen cambric. Black kamizot is opened at sides under which
one sees several white kamizots called "suknica". Long linen underpants
"mudande" can't be seen. High red socks or slippers "kalcete" are knitted
wooden of thin wool weave which reach above knees.
An elderly villager dressed po "susasku" and Ljiljana. |
Two women in festive folk costume. |
There are many more traditional parts of women's "po losinsku" costume
to mention few: a blouse "zabajka", a little apron of artificial silk "tarvijerlica",
under folded kamizot worn are many colored under skirts "sukna rakaman".
Feet are in pink socks and in leather shoes "postoli" and the wedding crown
is known as "vijel".
The men's costume looks like from a recent period resembling the one
from island Cres and is less attractive then women's one. It consists of
a soft and wide black cap, ordinary shirt with white collar, black linen
vest, black traditionally cut trousers held by simple belt of knitted of
red or pink ribbon looking like a rope. The festive belt is wider and solid
pink ribbon decorated with colorful threads.
Men's and women's festive folk costume on the Island of Susak.
Susak's inhabitants are mostly catholic and traditionally follow their
religious customs and obligations but are not freed from old superstitious,
which also exists on other islands in this area. Werewolves and witches
are not familiar to the people by their names and substances. The noun
STRIGA (tick) exists and is used as a derogatory term. The word "Mora"
(nightmare) is a notion and "Mrak" (dark, darkness) is usually used instead.
Mrak is an evil that waits and attacks men or women during nights strangling
a person by lying on him or her. Mora differs from mrak for it only squeezes
and suffocates but it doesn't suck out a person. It hits a person at crossroads
so that head, arm, leg or any other part becomes swollen.
There aren't any special means of defense against the darkness except
physical resistance and one special element, which can be used against
all kinds of evil "Fire". Old inhabitants believe that darkness exists
on places like at "Obis" and at "Puntina" and nobody should go there. Those
who went would get sick and die soon. Night darkness can harm clothes that
a mother had left over night outside to be dried and such can harm a child.
It can be fought by fire so a person who carries a torch or just smokes
a cigarette is immune to the dark evil influence. Clothes, which were under
the influence of darkness, should be put above a fireplace and a circle
made around of burning fire.
The immigrants' destinies inspired John Matesic from Susak to found "The
Society of St. Mikula of Susak" in Hoboken on 18th April 1948. It got its
statutory rules and had some 60 members from begin. The society's aim was
to help those who fell sick, to find jobs and look after those who came
to America from the homeland, to pay for funeral expenses. The members
gathered on Saturdays and Sundays to talk and mingle with others and to
entertain. Still on Sundays the entire community comes together in St.
Anna's church for the holy Mass.
The society organizes a big dance four times a year where it collects
the money that will be used to help all those in need and for society's
needs. The money was also used for renovating St. Nicholas parish church
and Merina graveyard on the native island of Susak. There were about 200
members who celebrated Society's 25th anniversary at St. Anna's church
in Hoboken. The Society moved to Fairview in New Jersey as from November
(1) Don Antun Turcic: SUSAK - the Island of sand, reed and vineyards;
Publisher: Zupni ured Susak 1998, HR-51561 SUSAK 514;
ISBN 953-96752-1-9.
(2) Petar Strcic, Prof. DSc. Et Al.: CROATIAN ADRIATIC ISLANDS;
Publishers: "LAURANA" & "TRSAT" Zagreb 1996.
DISCLAIMER : On URL: published pages are originals and authorized by copyright of Zvonko Z. Springer, Salzburg 1999.