South Coast of Mombasa (Kenya)
our stay in Mombasa from 1964 to 1967 we
visited quite often the Shimba Hills Forest
Reserve. At those times there didn’t exist a
proper entrance gate and the Shimba Hills
were not fenced in either. Driving on earthen roads (called “murram”) created lot of red dust so it was
advisable to keep a proper distance when following another car or even
worse a truck. Starting from our home at Bamburi Beach we had to drive some
12km to get across a pontoon bridge into Mombasa Town situated on an
island. Arriving at it south side one boarded a ferryboat to get over
the wide Kilindini Creek that is the access to the Kilindini
Harbour of Mombasa. On other side again on
the mainland is Likoni settlement giving its
name to the LIKONI Ferry. By continuing the drive on the South Coast road one turns right
at Kwale township
onto a winding ascending stretch that sometimes meant troubles due
to washouts and grooves after recent rains.

The map at left shows
the Shimba Hills National Reserve. At right is an early morning view
from Sable Valley towards Sheldrick Falls and Elephant Lookout at
right. Common morning clouds rise above the not far away Indian Ocean.
we would start early morning say at 5 am we could pass what is Kivunoni Gate now and to be at Giriama Point to watch the sunrise from there.
This scene has been always a rather spectacular one when the sun disk
rose out of Indian Ocean – provided there were
no low clouds on the horizon. We normally stayed out in the Hills the
whole day long having picnic breakfast and lunch at any place we just
choose. The forests were not dense at those days and one could see if
elephants were around. It happened not once that we had to remove few
tree trunks that elephants trampled onto the earthen trail in Pengo Hill. Al most on any of our visit we would
see a herd of buffalos and few groups of Sable antelope with sable like
mighty horns.
Female Sable antelopes
in the characteristic landscape of Shimba Hills. The Main Gatesight
since 2002.
one occasion we choose the southern approach to Shimba
Hills and entered what
is now the Kidongo Gate. On the way there we
had to cross a deep stream near Manyatte
village driving over a “bridge” consisting of two steel I-beams placed
apart only. This was a scary experience not to be repeated ever after.
Once we made a memorable visit to Sheldrick’s Falls where we enjoyed cool and deep shadows after
a long walk there under beating and hot sunshine. We really had mulled
over whether to get out to the scorching sun having to return to our
At left a clearing in
the Makadara Forest and the new Makadara picnic shelter built by Shimba
Support Group.
35 years later we have visited the Shimba
Hills in a rented car but the flora has changed tremendously since. Now
SHIMBA HILLS NATIONAL RESERVE has two entrance gates Kivunoni (at north) and Kidongo
(at south) and any visitor has to pay an entrance fee and extra for the
car cum driver too. The Reserve is fenced in to a greater extend and
earthen roadways were well maintained. However, bushes and trees grew
immensely in the 35 years and the brushwood is so dense that one can
hardly see through now. This a good moment to report more about National
Reserve and the initiatives of SHIMBA SUPPORT GROUP to improve the gate
revenues that would enable a better infrastructure maintenance and a
proper wildlife management.
The sights of
Shimba Hills elephants: a bull with both tusks at left, with one only at
right and an encounter nearby road at centre.
About the
Conservation Area
CONSERVATION AREA (comprising both the Shimba
Hills National Reserve and the Mwaluganje
Elephant Sanctuary) was officially announced in 1968. Since that time it
has been jointly managed by the Forestry Department and the authority of
National Wildlife Conservation that is known as the Kenya Wildlife
Service today. The Reserve covers about 250km² and its highest point is Pengo
Hill rising to some 500m above sea level.

A view towards the Longomagandi Forest at
left and the full moon rising above the same at right.
SHIMBA HILLS emerged as a part of the coastal ranges that emerge
intermittently along the East African littoral caused by a lifting
process during the Pliocene (between 2 and 10 million years ago). The
area is composed of sedimentary rocks of the Duruma
Sandstone series. The soil is classified as the Shimba
Grit and the Mazeras Sandstone from the
Upper Triassic Age (200 million years ago). The fertility status is poor
to very poor due to the sandy topsoil, low organic matter content and
excessive leaching. Generally they are low in all
available nutrients, and
critically deficient in phosphorus.
Therefore, the area is marginally agricultural land, and setting it
aside for wildlife and forest conservation would be practical and make
it more profitable.
CLIMATE of the area is humid semi hot equatorial to dry semi hot
tropical and TEMPERATURES
range from about 19ºC to 36ºC. The coldest
months are July and August and
the hottest temperatures get to just before long rains break in February
and March. The northeast trade winds ("kaskazi")
dominate from November and March, and the southeasterly trade winds ("kuzi") take over from April through August. The
ANNUAL RAINFALL varies between 500 and 1,500mm. The wettest months last
from April to July, when over half of the total yearly rainfall falls.
The period from August to December
is moist, with a slight increase of rainfall in October/November. The
driest months are January and February. The mean relative HUMIDITY is
about 80%, except in the dry
season from January to March. Potential EVAPORATION varies with the
cloud cover, but is about 2,000 mm. Thus, except during the wet season,
the evaporation/transpiration exceeds the precipitation. There is an
annual average of SUNSHINE of 8.8 hours daily. The brightest month is
February, and the month with the least sunshine is May.

Various animals in Shimba Hills from left a frog, an ostrich and
giraffe, and a rare buffalo in the local surrounding.
Notes on Mwele Mdogo Hills
forested knoll known as Mwele Mdogo is in the south-western corner of the Shimba Hills National Reserve. Mwele Mdogo knoll was
used as a military stockade end observation post during time of some thirty-five
years. Several bloody end
violent actions were fought there, but today visitors may find it
difficult to visualize this when they picnic or bird watch in the shades
of one of Kenya’s most
magnificent rainforests. Mwele Mdogo was used as a bolt hole for the Mburak faction of the wrangling coastal Arab
families that included
the Mazruis at end of 19th century. The
British troops had put pressure on Mburak to
abandon his trade in slaves and on two occasions they evicted him from
his hide-out at Mwele Mdogo
after assaults that resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Once a
small British force attempted to capture Mburak
they got into an ambush and their leader Captain Lawrence was killed. Lawrence’s
lonely grave still exists beneath a large casuarina
beside the jetty at Shimoni.
For a few years in
early 20th century Mwele Mdogo benefited from peace as the forest
undergrowth picked up. But not for too long when the British troops
refortified Mwele Mdogo
as the World War broke out in August 1914. Mburak
lived in exile in German East Africa alias Tanganyika then.
Captain Arthur Wavell of the Welch Regiment
assembled 'The Arab Rifles' from local volunteers to protect the Uganda
Railway end at Mombasa against
frequent German incursions. A fortified
observation post was built at Mwele as part
of Mombasa’s defense.
In early 1916, after many skirmishes Wavell
and many of his regiment were caught in a well-prepared German ambush
near the Mkongani waterholes not far of Mwele Mdogo. They
are buried in the little war cemetery that still survives deep in the
dry bush at the lee of Shimba Hills. The Wavell Memorial Gardens were
opened alongside Fort Jesus in Mombasa in 1922
with an obelisk in the memory of deceased of ‘The Arab Rifles’.
Views from Mwele Mdogo forest: left
Entada climber growing across the road, a clearing with Lettowianthus
stallatus trees and at far right a late afternoon sunlight still gets
through dense foliage.
Now Mwele Mdogo is
covered with magnificent stands of tropical rainforest that conceals any
evidence of British military involvement here. Nevertheless, many
potsherds lie scattered on the forest floor and some almost undisturbed
hideout pits of Mburak’s followers could be
found during short walk through shrubs and trees disclosing signs of earlier conflicts.
About the
Animal Life in the Conservation Area
The recently established SHIMBA SUPPORT GROUP
(SSG) aims to enhance game viewing in the Reserve and to facilitate the
importation of new mammal species, mainly antelope such as Eland, Topi (alias Lyre antelope), Impala and Reedbuck.
The removal of some exotic plants a large chunk of territorial grassland
would allow better viewing of Sable antelopes. At present one finds some 25 mammals in the
Reserve among these Elephants and indigenous Sable and Shirran antelopes. The bird watchers counted about 66
birds species and the rare Palm Nut vulture. A number of butterflies some particularly big
ones found in forests and on grassland of the Shimba Hills.
At left a male Sable antelope with in
shade resting herd of antelopes. An lonely adult female Sable antelope
stands at right.
Shimba Hills are
probably the second richest place for butterflies in Kenya, only Kakamega forest displaying more of. There exist
over 250 recorded species, including some endemics named SHIMBANUS.
These are found isolated in forest patches in the hills south of Mombasa and
nowhere else in the world. Butterflies are literally swarming after the
rains in April/May each year. Near the Main Gate
(Sable entrance), there forest patches that are badly infested with
“Lantana camara”. The pretty flowers
of this weed provide nectar for lots of Swallowtails, Whites and Danaid butterflies. At the newly renovated “Sable Bandas” a profusion of butterflies fly around
the trees when the sun is out. The stinging creeper “Urera zanzibarica” is a favorite food-plant of the Usambara Diadem that is a very local nymph
butterfly with its orange-red hind wing border on the underside. The
little brown Lycaenid (Blues) butterflies
flutter on the stems of some trees.
scenery views of the Sheldrick Falls environs.
On the
walk to SHELDRICK FALLS one can
see plenty of butterflies along the stream banks and below the
waterfalls. At certain times of year along the Mwele Mdogo forest track there will be clouds of white
and yellow butterflies, Swallowtails and Swordtails, on the fresh and
steamy elephant droppings as they are looking for mineral salts.
left: Makadara Motte, Mwele Mdogo Butterfly and Papilio Dardanus on
Psorospermum febrifugum.
The highlight of a
butterfly-spotting safari would be to stop at Makadara
Picnic Site. Walking along the forest road one would see “Coast Glider”
and Euptera, beautiful gliding butterflies
perched in forest’s sunny spots. The figs lying on the forest floor attract the
“Forester” butterflies sitting with their jewel-like wings open
alongside the roadside. Pengo Hill has a
special little orange “Yellow Zulu” living on the algae on exposed sun-facing
black granite rocks. Some of the local villagers, along the Reserve
periphery, have organized themselves to breed butterflies to pupae
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you ever come to visit the South Coast of Mombasa do not miss to visit SHIMBA HILLS NATIONAL
RESERVE. You can acquire the SSG Membership too by contacting SHIMBA SUPPROTING GROUP c/o Baobab Trust, P.O.Box 81995, Mombasa, Tel. (254)11-486155
or by E-mail: Overseas SSG Members
may stay at Sable Bandas (formerly Campsite No.1 ) as the Residents. Non-residents will have
to pay the $20 Reserve Entry fee. Huya Safari! Kwaheri!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Karl-Wilhelm
Berger KENYA & NORDTANSANIA, Reisebuch; Iwanowski’s Reisebuchverlag -
Auflage 2000, ISBN
2. Newsletters No. 5
(May 2002), No.6 (August 2002) and No. 7 (December 2002). SHIMBA SUPPORT
GROUP c/o Baobab Trust, P.O.Box 81995 Mombasa, Kenya.E-mail:
3. For more
information and data see at URL: and go
to web-pages titled <Background>,
<Objectives> and < Trustees>.
4. All photographs contributed Mrs. Sabine Baer, E-mail: