6 Iteration Plans
In the iterationplan for Iteration 1, which deals with the use-cases EnterData and ViewData, we not only present a preliminary layout for the database, but also the class-, sequence, collaboration-diagrams for the relevant classes. Furthermore a statediagram for the class EnterData is provided.
Iteration 1 deals with the following classes:
- Class RightManager
This class deals with the management of rights. In the first iteration it is not too sophisticated, however, it will gain importance in later iterations.
- Class DBManager
This class connects to the database and is able to read data from the database and write data to the database. It exposes an XML Interface for the reception of the date. Furthermore, it is able to check the data's consistency.
- Class DataClass (abstract)
This is the parent class for data-aware classes, like ViewData and EditData. It is defined abstract.
- Class ViewData (derived from DataClass)
ViewData is responsible for showing data. It holds a protected member DataSet which it uses to store the data. It instantiates Layout in order to layout the data. It uses DBManager to read data.
- Class EnterData (derived from DataClass)
ViewData is responsible for receiving data. It holds a protected member DataSet which it uses to store the data. It instantiates Layout in order to layout the data and uses DBManager to read and write data.
- Class Layout
This class deals with the layout of data which it receives via an XML interface. It is connected to a StyleSheet, which it stores in the attribute CSS.
6.1 Class Diagram
Figure: Class Diagram - Iteration 1