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4 Architecture & Project Plan

4.1 Architecture

In order to have a basic idea of what the system actually looks like and where the main dependencies are, we worked out our system's architecture.

A possible solution to do this could have been the "4+1"-View by P. Kruchten. Nevertheless we decided to use a different approach in order to being able to profit from our well-documented and detailed use cases: Patterns.
We did not use predefined patterns when designing our architecture, but rather did the work on our own to match the system's needs best. Anyway, the pattern we found afterwards to be the most similar one to our architecture is probabely the so-called "Three-Tier Architectural Pattern".

The arrows in the figure represent functional dependency relationships. This diagram does not contain any temporal dependencies such as "first we need to logon to being able to enter data".
As you can see, the database is one of the most important subsystems as almost any other one needs something from it.
Figure: Architecture

4.2 Project Plan

A series of iterations for construction and definition of funcionality was planned. This functionality shall be delivered at the end of such an iteration.
There will be 4 iterations with a length of 4 weeks each. Comparing this to our Project Proposal, this gives us about 2 weeks for miscellaneous delays of any kind.
As you can see in the overview below, each iteration basically deals with several use cases:

Iteration-Number Duration Description
1 1.5 weeks Basic structure of the Database
  1.5 weeks Use Case "Enter Data"
  1 week Use Case "View Data"
2 0.5 weeks Use Case "Enter Scientific Data"
  1 week Use Case "Search"
  0.5 weeks Use Case "Authenticate"
  2 weeks Database and basics for the Museum
3 1.5 weeks Use Case "Edit Museum"
  2.5 weeks Use Case "Edit Museum"
4 2.5 weeks Use Case "Administrate"
  1.5 weeks Use Case "Create Publications"

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