2 Use Cases
When defining primary uses cases, it is not needed
to capture "every detail of the use cases". Thus, use cases are used primarily
to capture the high level user-functional requirements of a system.
Keeping this definition in mind, we design our use-case-model not primarily as
a design-concept, but rather as an auxiliary means for communicating with the
customer. The primary use-cases reflect the basic functionality of the ADS.
In our project we identified the following actors:
The InternetUser is interested in viewing the data and
museums. He ist the one visiting the webpage of the
ADS and using the ADS for display-purposes
A Designer creates Virtual Museums. He can arrange floors, room and vitrinas, but is not necessarily able to enter
data. Furthermore, a Designer is able to create publications, such as a CD-Rom or a catalogue.
A DataCollector is able to enter data concerning
artefacts, graves and settlements into the system.
DataCollectors (as they are generalized by Designers) can create and modify virtual museums.
Scientific DataCollector
A Scientific DataCollector is able to enter data
concerning artefacts, graves and settlements.
Furthermore, a Scientific DataCollector is able to add
scientific documentation. Scientific Data Collectors (as they are generalized by DataCollectors) can create and
modify Virtual Museums.
An administrator has all the rights of the other
groups, i.e. he is able to enter data, scientific, etc.
Furthermore he has the privilege to edit rights and
Took into consideration to be an actor, because it is not part of the system but interacts closely with it.
Use Cases
We identified the following use cases:
- Authenticate
Authenticate is used to identify a user and associate him with a group with more rights than an InternetUser, i.e.
Designer, DataCollector, Scientific DataCollector, Administrator.
- View Data
This use-case is responsible for displaying single items of data on the screen. Data should be hided from unauthorized actors, so view data needs to check users rights to display data in a correct way. Every usergroup should be supplied with its specific working frames.
- Enter Data
Enter Data is used for submitting data to the webfrontend as well as editing
data that was entered previously.
- Enter Scientific Data
Opposing to ''Enter Data'', ''Enter Scientific Data'' is used to supply
scientific texts and additional information associated with an object.\newline
Also, the system provides a function ''Enter Scientific Data'' instead of
''Enter Data'' as soon as an actor has logged in.
- Search
The actor searches the whole data he is entitled to see or searches a museum for specific entries. There are two
kinds of searches: basic search and complex search.
- View Museum
This use case refers to the process of an actor viewing a museum. The actor is able to navigate through floors, enter rooms, look at show-cases and select items from show-case for more detailed display.
- Edit Museum
This use case enables the designers to change the look of the museums' floor, rooms and showcases.
- CreatePublications
The actor selects a museum or a part of the data in order to publish it in a catalogue or a CD-Rom.
- Administrate
This use-case deals with the administration of the database-access rights.
Furthermore it will provide the function to make backups or restore data. The
system shall be accessible through well-defined interfaces with the idea, that
people who don't know the operating system and even have little experience with
computers shall be able to administrate the system.