ALGAE History

Different types of entries

Different status indicators


rs:Roland Schwaiger
ml:Michael Liedlgruber
cb:Clemens Bauer
pe:Peter Eisenman


Date Type Reported by Description State Maintainer
18.07.2000 UPDATE ml at startup nothing can be seen in the aquarium DONE ml
19.07.2000 ERROR rs sensors are counting things in range more than once DONE ml
19.07.2000 ADD rs SNNS-netfiles export of the ANNs DONE ml
19.07.2000 ADD rs add additional transfer-functions for the ANNs DONE ml and cb
19.07.2000 ADD rs add possibility to select an agent with the mouse DONE ml
19.07.2000 ADD rs show informations for the mouseposition DONE ml
19.07.2000 ADD rs add splines for each neuron instead of using only one for the whole ANN DONE
19.07.2000 ERROR rs textfields in the settings-dialog (width/height) are set to width 0 when the setttingsdialog is resized POST
19.07.2000 ADD rs add the following things to the settingsdialog: min. energylevel for mitosis, min. energylevel for meiosis, min. energylevel for pheromone output, max. phermone amount/pos, max. substrate amount/pos, light distributon function, light cycle function, number of input neurons, number of output neurons, numer of total neurons, numer of cubic splines points, radius for pheromone output, transluency factor for agents, energy consumption for standstill and substrate for dead agent DONE ml and cb
19.07.2000 ADD rs add names to the different units of the ann (in the SNNS-net files) DONE ml
20.07.2000 ADD rs add an additional line in the statusbar area DONE ml
20.07.2000 UPDATE rs improve display of different world elements (phermone, substrate, light) DONE ml
20.07.2000 ADD rs no substrate visible/available at startup DONE ml and cb
20.07.2000 ERROR rs the lightworld is not calculated properly DONE ml
20.07.2000 ADD rs agents should be partialy transluent (not dark below) DONE ml and cb
20.07.2000 ADD rs add tags to the statistics (for sensors for example) POST
20.07.2000 ERROR rs sometimes agents are drawn and placed at the same pos DONE ml and cb
20.07.2000 ERROR rs consoleoutput shows wrong agent number DONE ml
21.07.2000 ERROR rs when mitosis/meiosis occur, the consoleoutput should show the indices of the involved agents DONE ml
21.07.2000 ADD rs the ann output should be displayed in the infowindow DONE ml
25.07.2000 ADD rs add checkbox to toggle the display of light DONE ml
27.07.2000 ERROR rs, ml, pe and cb agents are moving into the same direction at the start of the simulation (only the initial ones) DONE ml and cb
27.07.2000 ERROR rs, ml, cb and pe sometimes an outofmemory-error occurs (even with 256MB of RAM) POST
03.08.2000 ERROR ml sometimes the ANN has connections from output-neurons (only seen from node 22 until now) back to others and from inputneurons to node 17 (an inputneuron) DONE ml and cb
03.08.2000 ERROR ml the ANNs have very often only one connected output-neuron INPROG
04.08.2000 ERROR pe if the agent consumes light, the program doesn't take care of how bright it is, instead a const is consumed DONE pe
04.08.2000 ADD pe it would be nice, if the agents are drawn colored according to their current energylevel DONE ml
09.08.2000 UPDATE rs change the substrateworld to a more realistic model (substrate should dissolve into the water, instead of coming up from bottom), the user should be able to choose between substrate coming up from the ground and instant, homogenous distribution of substrate DONE ml and cb
09.08.2000 ADD rs make the FOV a line if an angle of 0 for the FOV is specified DONE ml and cb
11.08.2000 ERROR pe the substrate world contains a little bug (if no more substrate left, it's endless regenerated) DONE pe
16.08.2000 ERROR cb and ml the pheromone at a certain position resolves to values below 0 (in fact it's endless resolved) DONE ml and cb
23.08.2000 ADD rs the number of crossover-points should be selectable DONE cb and ml
23.08.2000 ADD rs make the number of cubic-spline nodes changeable DONE ml and cb
23.08.2000 ADD rs add mutation rate and crossover rate to the settingsdialog DONE ml and cb
23.08.2000 UPDATE rs add a seperate transfer function to each neuron in the ANN (except the input neurons) DONE ml and cb
23.08.2000 UPDATE rs add a bias to the ANN to make it more realistic. this bias should mutate and be inherited to child agents INPROG ml and cb
30.08.2000 ADD rs to speed up things make debugging optional (debugging should be implemented in a class with different debugging levels) POST
30.08.2000 UPDATE rs to speed up things the combobox for selecting agents should only be enabled if the simulation is stopped POST
04.12.2000 ERROR ml the wrong agent id is written to the statistics file DONE ml and cb