General Information
In a master's thesis a student should demonstrate his or her
ability to work on a computer science topic understanding,
combining, and integrating current lines of research.
Topics are usually drawn from research and/or industrial projects.
The following pre-requisites emphasize general requirements for
work on a thesis. Though, some of them may seem to be obvious,
experience is that they are more than often not.
- Good language skills
- Programming skills
- A sound base in mathematics
- Finding and reading relevant literature
My preferences in thesis language and text system used to write the
thesis are English and LaTeX, respectively. The final level of
scientific quality of the thesis should be such that the main results
can be considered for publication. The following list links
you to more detailed information on specific topics (feel free to
contact me anytime to discuss your interests in a topic and/or own
Open Topics
Theses in progress...
Completed Theses
- Approximating an Optimal Strategy for Full-scale Heads-up No-Limit Holdem Poker By Coevolutionary Algorithms, Maximilian Schorr, 2015.
- LitSOM - Automatic Mapping of Russian Authors Using Self-Organizing Maps, Gernot Howanitz, 2013.
- Simulation of the Evolution
of the Behavior of Migratory and Sedentary Birds, Josef Seibl, 2012.
- Simulation and
Optimization of Vascular Bifurcations by Numerical Solutions of the
Navier-Stokes Equations Using Finite Elements, Robert Resch, 2008.
- Adaptive Autonomous Traffic Control
Based on Neural Reinforcement Learning, Andreas Ban, 2008.
- An Application of Asynchronous Replication
in a Loosely Coupled Data Base Cluster, Richard Brunauer, 2008.
- Computational Intelligence
Techniques for Car Crash Detector Optimization, Simon Sigl, 2007.
- [Prize] Automatic Classification of
Geology from Tunnel Boring Machine Data, Gerhard Mitterlechner,
- Simulation and
Optimization of Vascular Bifurcations by means of Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Gerhard Gaube, 2006.
- Detection of Mental
Blocks in Humans Based on Physiological Measures, Franz-Josef
Auernigg, 2006.
- Hebbian Reinforcement Learning in Artificial Neurocontrollers, Thomas
Mirlacher, 2005.
- [Paper] Evolution of Behavior Based
Fuzzy Controllers, Markus Spitzlinger,
- Analysis of Diabetes Time Series and Blood Glucose
Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks, Martin Stockhammer,
- [Paper] Evolution and Coevolution of
Artificial Neural Networks
Playing Go, Peter Maier,
- [Paper] A Framework for Solving
Resource Allocation
Problems Driven by a Modular Evolutionary Engine, Oskar Preinfalk,
- [Prize] Automated Quality Control of
Powder Metallurgic
Parts Based on Statistical Pattern Recognition Using Finite Mixtures, Karl
The thesis has been awarded with prizes by Miba AG and
by the Austrian Science
- An Evolutionary System Optimizing Orchestra Staff Schedules, Adrian Poje,
- A Comparison of Selection Methods in Genetic Algorithms Based on a Set of
Selection Metrics, Thomas Schell, 1998.
Helmut A.
Last modified: Sep 30 2015