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Der FB lädt alle Fachbereichsmitglieder, Alumna und Alumnis herzlich zum Winterfest ein!
Wann: 17.12.2012 um 17:00; Wo: FB Computerwissenschaften
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten! invitation
Talk announcement for Nov 30 2012: Der Computer als kognitives Werkzeug - Über die Gestaltung von komplexen Problemlösungsprozessen.
Prof. Dr. Margit Pohl, TU Wien, Inst. f. Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung.
14:00, T01invitation
Talk announcement for Nov 26 2012: Social Robotics - From grounding experiments to applications. Dr. Hagen Lehmann, University of Hertfordshire. 17:30, ICT&S Center, Room:Big Coll, invitation
Defensio Dipl.-Ing. Peter Wild, Bakk.techn. - Advanced Segmentation and
Comparators for Iris Biometric Surveillance.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Andreas Uhl (head), Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Helge Hagenauer, Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Helmut Mayer
- 4.12.2012, 11:00, HS T03 invitation
Talk announcement for Nov 16 2012: Multi-Level Modeling with Melanie. Colin Atkinson, Chair of Software Engineering, University of Mannheim. 13:30, T04, invitation
Defensio Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Stefan Dauenhauer, Bakk.techn. - A Modeling Approach for Test Automation Systems its Language, Semantics, and Implementation.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Pree (head), Prof.Dr. Colin Atkinson, Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Helge Hagenauer - 11:30, SR T06 invitation
Zwei Preise für Christian Rathgeb
Talk announcement for Oct 29 2012: Measuring users' experiences -or, the memory of them? Evangelos Karapanos, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, University of Madeira. 17:00, Wr. Philharmonikergasse 5 (Entrance next to Triangel), invitation
Talk announcement for Oct 2 2012: Modeling, Simulating, and Compiling with Timing Semantics. David Broman, University of California, Berkeley. 16:00, T03, invitation
Talk announcement for Aug 7 2012: Code Instrumentation With Extra-functional Properties. Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada. 15:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for July 11 2012: Subjective quality assessment of watermarked images/videos. Florent Autrusseau, Polytech' Nantes, IRCCyN-IVC. 16:30, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for July 04 2012: Our new honorary professor Univ.Doz. Dr. Siegfried Reich about Salzburg Research. 13:00, T06
June 25 2012, 18:00 - 19:30: Infoabend für SchülerInnen und Eltern, Informatik Studieren an der Universität Salzburg. T01, more
Talk announcement for June 21 2012: Die Tensor Contraction Engine: ein domänenspezifischer Compiler zur Synthese von Hochleistungscode aus Tensorformeln der Quantenchemie. Gerald Baumgartner, Louisiana State University. 10:00, T05, invitation
June 01 2012, 10:15:Vorstellung des Hochleistungsrechners DOPPLER und Symposium "Supercomputer DOPPLER".
ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world. Application deadline twice per year: 30 April and 30 September.
Talk announcement for Apr 25 2012: Holistic Scalable Performance Analysis of Distributed Applications on Many-Core Computers. Manfred Mücke, Research Lab Computational Technologies and Applications, University of Vienna. 12:30, T02, invitation
Apr 18 2012: Defensio DI Christian Rathgeb, Bakk.techn. - Iris Biometrics: Template Protection and Advanced Comparators
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Andreas Uhl (head), Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Mayer, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Helge Hagenauer - 09:30, T05
Apr 13 2012: Defensio DI Max Ehammer, Bakk.techn. - Running IPv6 Over Aeronautical Links
Examination Committee: Dr. Carl-Herbert Rokitansky (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Vajteršic, Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Mayer - 12:00, 0.22
Talk announcement for Apr 10 2012: Recognition in Ultrasound Videos - Where Am I? Roland Kwitt, Medical Imaging Lab, Kitware Inc., USA. 9:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Mar 22 2012: WebGL: 3D Graphics for the Web. Kenneth Russell, Google, Inc. 13:00, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Mar 20 2012: The "K" Supercomputer and Large-Scale Scientific Computing in Kobe. Dr. Yusaku Yamamoto. 17:00, T02, invitation
Mar 14 2012: Talk on Digital Audio Effects and habilitation colloquium of Rade Kutil. 10:15, T02, invitation
Feb 02 2012: Defensio Dipl.Ing. Tobias Berka, Bakk.techn. - High-Performance Parallel Text Retrieval
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Vajteršic (head), Ass.-Prof.Dr. Collini-Nocker, Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Mayer - 10:00, Besprechungszimmer
Talk announcement for Nov 11 2011: Smooth Minimum Arc Paths (SMAP). Dr. Georg Maier, Universität Passau. 12:15, T01, invitation
Oct 10-11 2011: Öffentliche Hearings im Rahmen des Besetzungsverfahrens "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" - die Veranstaltung ist allgemein zugänglich, invitation
Oct 13-14 2011: Öffentliche Hearings im Rahmen des Besetzungsverfahrens "Informationssysteme" - die Veranstaltung ist allgemein zugänglich, invitation
Talk announcement for Jun 16 2011: Fault Tolerance for High-Performance Computing in Space. Prof. Hans P. Zima. 16:00, T02, invitation
June 10 2011: The Festkolloquium Parallel Computing: Algorithms, Applications and Architectures on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Marian Vajteršic takes place at our department.
The Mul Signal Processing and Security Lab got 4 papers accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'11, September, Brussels).
May 30-31 2011: The 2nd Austrian High Performance Computing Workshop takes place in Salzburg at our department.
May 04 2011: Open House Day, Salzburg University. 09.00 - 17.00 Salzburg University (Nawi), Hellbrunner Str. 34, 5020 Salzburg. more
Apr 15 2011: Defensio Dipl.Ing. Thomas Stütz, BSc - Format-Specific Multimedia Encryption
- From JPEG2000 to H.264 AVC/SVC
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Uhl (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Hagenauer, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Hellekalek - 11:00 T03
Apr 13 2011: Defensio Dipl.Ing. Marietta Stutz - Neuere und neue Ansätze zur Behandlung des inversen Kinematik Problems in der Robotik. Theoretische Einführung und vergleichende experimentelle Studien.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Mag.Dr. Hagenauer (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Vajtersic, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Pohlmann - 09:00 T06
April 10-13 2011: EuroSys 2011: Conference with a strong focus on systems research and development: operating systems, data base systems, real-time systems and middleware for networked, distributed, parallel, or embedded computing systems. Held in Salzburg, Austria. General chair: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Christoph Kirsch, University of Salzburg.
Preisträger BCCS Business Award 2010/11 - 3. Platz: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Stütz, BSc, Geschäftsidee: Undelete my photos and videos with format-specific file carving (Software zur Rekonstruktion von Bildern und Videos auf Basis von Dateifragmenten), Absolvent und Dissertant der Universität Salzburg / Angewandte Informatik sowie FH-Lehrbeauftragter.
Talk announcement for Mar 03 2011: Multidimensional Pseudo-spectral methods on Lattice grids. Dr. Tor Sorevik 17:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Feb 01 2011: Software Testing using Test Sheets. Colin Atkinson 10:45, T03, invitation
Feb 01 2011: Defensio Dipl. Ing. Thomas Aschauer - A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Industrial Test Automation Systems.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Wolgang Pree (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Colin Atkinson, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Werner Pohlmann - 13:30 T06
Talk announcement for Jan 24 2011: Deriving syntax and axioms for quantitative regular behaviours. Dr. Alexandra Silva 13:15, T01, invitation
Die Verabschiedung von Herrn O.Univ.-Prof.Dr.Jochen Pfalzgraf findet am Freitag, den 3. Dezember 2010, um 14 Uhr auf dem Bergfriedhof in D-83457 Bayerisch Gmain statt.
Die Familie bittet von Blumen- und Kranzspenden Abstand zu nehmen und im Sinne des Verstorbenen, Geldspenden an sozial tätige Vereine wie den Oö. Landestierschutzverein oder der Katastrophenhilfe Österr. Frauen zu tätigen.
Der Fachbereich gibt tief betroffen bekannt, dass Herr
verstorben ist.
Prof. Pfalzgraf hat nach einer Reihe beruflicher Stationen in Wissenschaft und Praxis über viele Jahre als Professor für Informatik und auch als Fachbereichsleiter sowie als Fachbereichsleiterstellvertreter wichtige Beiträge in Forschung und Lehre und für die Entwicklung des Fachbereiches geleistet.
Wissenschaftlich sah er sich als Vertreter der Mathematischen Informatik und bildete nach diesem seinem Leitbild Generationen von Studierenden aus.
Mit Herrn Prof. Pfalzgraf verlieren die Universität Salzburg und die Fachöffentlichkeit einen geschätzten und profilierten Universitätslehrer und Wissenschaftler.
Talk announcement for Nov 26 2010: "What a meta-circular JVM buys you - and what not!" Doug Simon 15:15, T01, invitation
Oct 14 2010: Defensio DI(FH) Patricia Derler - Efficient Execution and Simulation of Time-Annotated Embeded Software.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Wolgang Pree (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Christoph Kirsch, Dr. Bernhard Schätz - 13:00 T06
Oct 14 2010: Defensio DI Silviu Craciunas - Programmable Temporal Isolation for High-Performance and Real-Time Systems.
Examination Committee: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Christoph Kirsch (head), Univ.-Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Pree, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Helge Hagenauer - 08:30 T06
Talk announcement for Oct 11 2010: It's so much nicer to program in Go --- A guided tour. Robert Griesemer 15:00, T01, invitation
July 2010: The head of our department, O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Zinterhof, now has a nice page on Wikipedia.
Talk announcement for May 21 2010: Datenqualität erfolgreich steuern. Mag. Christian Merighi 13:30, T03, invitation
30 Apr 2010: Tobias Berka wins the Best Doctoral Forum Poster Award at the Doctoral Student Forum of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2010 (SDM'10).
Talk announcement for April 24 2010: Quality in the Cloud. Dipl.-Math.Hermann Will. 13:30, T03, invitation
Talk announcement for Mar 17 2010: Real-time Garbage Collector
for Java. Ph.D. Tomas Kalibera, Charles University, Czech Republic.
Talk announcement for Jan 21 2010: Heterogene parallele Rechnerstrukturen - Beherrschbarkeit durch Adaptivität und Virtualisierung. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institut für Technische Informatik (ITEC). 17:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 17 2009: New sample complexity results within compatible worlds inference framework. Prof. Bruno Apolloni, Dipartimento di Scienze dell Informazione, Universita degli Studi di Milano. 17:00, T02, invitation
Nov 2009: Competition, our team Cosy Salzburg (Stephan Kollmann, Siegmar Alber, Stefan Huber) finished at 13th place (out of 64 teams) at the North West European Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
Oct 27-29 2009: The conference ParNum09 on Parallel Numerics, co-organized by the department, is held in Smolenice, Slovakia.
Talk announcement for Oct 21 2009: The Impact of Cyber-Physical Systems on the Automotive Industry. Ken Butts, Toyota. 16:15, Bibliotheksaula, Hofstallgasse 2, Salzburg invitation
Sep 16-18 2009: The 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis - ISPA 2009 takes place in Salzburg at our department.
July 27-31 2009: The SatNEx Summer School is hosted by our department.
June 2009: The book Parallel Computing. Numerics, Applications, and Trends. (Editors: Roman Trobec, Marian Vajteršic, Peter Zinterhof) appears in the Springer series on Computer Communications & Networks. (online version)
June 26 2009: The Dissertantenseminar takes place as a workshop, where PhD students present their research results. 10:00-17:00, T02 and T01.
Talk announcement for June 3 2009: Towards Predictable and Composable Timing in Real-Time Software. Prof. P. Puschner, Professor in Computer Science at Vienna University of Technology. 15:15, T05, invitation
Talk announcment for June 3 2009: "Lazy Thinking": Eine Methode zur automatischen Erfindung von Algorithmen. O.Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult. Bruno BUCHBERGER, Professor of Computer Mathematics, Head of Softwarepark Hagenberg, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. 17:15 T01, invitation
Talk announcement for May 13 2009: Challenges in real-time application development - The I4Copter project. Dipl.-Inf. Peter Ulbrich, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Informatik 4. 16:15, T02, invitation
April 29 2009: Two of the BCCS
Business Awards 2009
go to members of our department:
2nd prize: Andreas Uhl
for "Computergestütztes Dickdarmkrebs-Diagnosesystem"
prize: Peter Zinterhof (jun) for "Klassifikationssystem für
medizinische Bilddaten".
The prize is awarded for work with the
potential to transfer the results to innovative business solutions.
April 30 2009: The Student Big>Days 2009 conference for students is held at the department.
Talk announcement for Mar 23 2009: A Flexible Infrastructure for Component-Based, Model-Driven Development. Prof. Dr. Colin Atkinson, Chair of Software Engineering, University of Mannheim. 11:00, Techno-Z Room A.
Talk announcement for Mar 13 2009: DS RBAC - Dynamic Sessions in Role Based Access Control. O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg R. Mühlbacher, FIM (Informationsverarbeitung und Mikroprozessortechnik), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. 11:00, T05, invitation
Jan 30 2009: The Dissertantenseminar takes place as a workshop, where PhD students present their research results. 10:00-17:15, T02.
Talk announce for Dec 17 2008: Wikis und das EU Projekt KiWi. Dipl.-Inf. Dr. Sebastian Schaffert and Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Sint, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH. 17:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 10 2008: Numerical Optimization with Parallelized Ant Colony Approach. Peter Korošec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana. 17:15, T02, invitation
Dec 4 2008: The Techno-Z celebrates its 20th anniversary in a ceremonial act followed by an open house day, a "market place", and an exhibition "Jahrhundert des Computers" (Dec 4-12), all including our department. See program.
Talk announcement for Dec 4 2008: Know your Enemy - Bedrohungsbilder im Wandel - Ein Wandel mit Folgen. Dipl. Ing. Christoph Barszczewski, Ikarus Security Software GmbH. 09:00, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Oct 28 2008: Automatic Control of a Multi-Agent Quadrotor Helicopter Testbed. Gabriel Hoffmann, Palo Alto Research Center (Intelligent Systems Lab), Stanford University (Aeronautics and Astronautics Dept.) 16:00, T03, invitation
Oct 24 2008, 15:00: The department celebrates 20 years of Computer Sciences in Salzburg.
Talk announcement for Oct 23 2008: Silverlight 2.0. Mario Meir-Huber, Microsoft Österreich, Developer Division in Academic Relations. 16:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Jul 10 2008: Die Entwicklung eines automatischen Ausweichsystems für unbemannte Vehikel. Michael Naderhirn, CEO AeroSpy Sense & Avoid Technology GmbH. 11:00, T02.
Jun 27 2008: The Dissertantenseminar takes place as a workshop, where PhD students present their research results. 10:00-15:00, T01.
Talk announcement for Jun 23 2008: Support for Certification of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems - the DECOS Generic Test Bench. Dr. Egbert Althammer, Austrian Research Centers GmbH (ARC), Vienna. 14:00, T06
Talk announcement for Jun 05 2008: Informatikdidaktik in Salzburg: Vergangenes, Aktuelles und Zukünftiges. Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Fuchs, IFFB Fachdidaktik und LehrerInnenbildung, Universität Salzburg. 16:00, T02, Einladung
Talk announcement for Apr 21 2008: Herausforderungen für die modellbasierte Entwicklung von Automobilsteuergeräten. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Müller-Glaser, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) and Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Karlsruhe. 13:00, T02
Talk announcement for Apr 9 2008: Roboter im 21. Jahrhundert. O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. Peter Kopacek, Institut für Handhabungsgeräte und Robotertechnik, TU Wien. 17:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Apr 3 2008: Vom Spielzeug zum Supercomputer, High Performance Computing auf dem Playstation3-Cluster. DI Dr. Peter Zinterhof jun. 16:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Jan 24 2008: Virtualizing Scientific Applications and Data Sources as Grid Services. Dr. Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Institute of Scientific Computing. 16:00, T02, invitation
Jan 18 2008: The Dissertantenseminar takes place as a workshop, where PhD students present their research results. 8:15-18:15, T03 and T01.
Talk announcement for Jan 16 2008: Probabilistic Anonymity via Coalgebraic Simulations. Ichiro Hasuo, Kyoto Univ., JP and Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, NL. 16:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 13 2007: Formale Spezifikation von computationaler Autonomie. Dipl.-Inf.Dr. Gerhard Weiß, Scientific Director, Hagenberg. 16:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 11 2007: Interoperability in Collaborative Networks. Prof.Dr.-Ing. Peter Hofbauer, Simeac, Managing Director, Manchester. 17:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 10 2007: Gedanken zur Rolle der Software-Architekten. Dr. Wolfgang Weck, Unabhängiger Software-Architekt, Zürich. 15:00, T02, invitation
November 2007: Two of the BCCS
Business Awards 2007 go to master students of our department:
2nd prize: Gerhard Mitterlechner for "Automatic
Classification of Geology Using Tunnel Boring Machine Data" supervised
by Helmut
3rd prize: Roland Hufnagl for "Realistic Cloud
Visualization Based on Meteorological Data" supervised by Martin
The prize is awarded for MSc theses with the
potential to transfer the results to innovative business solutions.
September 2007: Martin Held receives a Research Fellowship awarded by the Provincial Government of the Austrian Federal Province "Salzburg".
Mithilfe für Evaluation eines Handbiometrie-
Talk announcement for Oct 22 2007: Schlafstörungen bei Kindern - ein oftmals unterschätztes Problem. Olga Held-Siratska, 19:00, T02, invitation
Alle Mittelbau-Mitglieder sind aufgerufen, bis 18.Okt.2007, 7Uhr Nominierungen zum Mittelbauvertreter für den Fachbereichsrat vorzuschlagen.
The Embedded Systems Week 2007 is held here in Salzburg from Sep 30 to Oct 5. It hosts three international conferences on Embedded Software, Hardware-Software Codesign and System Synthesis and Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems.
The 2007 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communication
(IWSSC'07) takes place from September 12-14, 2007 at the Dept. of
Computer Sciences.
Organizer and chairman: B. Collini-Nocker.
Symposium on Multiagent Systems (MAS), Robotics and Cybernetics: Theory and Practice at the 18th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (InterSymp-2007). Baden-Baden, Germany, August 1-2 2007. Organizer and chairman: J. Pfalzgraf.
June 28 2007: Filmvorführung: "Weizenbaum. Rebel at Work." Preisgekrönter Film über Joseph Weizenbaum, das legendäre Urgestein der Computerwissenschaft. Anschließend Diskussion und Erfrischung. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. 19:00, T01, mehr Information.
Talk announcement for June 27 2007: Roboterbahnplanung für das Remote-Laserstrahlschweißen. Ulrich Munzert, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften (iwb), TU München, 17:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for June 14 2007: Heterogenous Finite-Source Retrial Queues. Prof. Janos Sztrik, Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary, 17:15, T02, invitation
June 13 2007: Unternehmenskontaktveranstaltung "Student und Absolvent trifft Unternehmen" veranstaltet von Missing Link, 18:00-21:00, Grüner Hörsaal, NaWi (Hellbrunnerstr. 34)
Talk announcement for May 31 2007: Verfahren zur Schätzung der subjektiven Bild- und Videoqualität. Olivia Nemethova (TU Wien, Institute of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering), 16:15, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Apr 26 2007: The Fabulous World of C++ Templates. Thomas Schell (EMCO), 16:15, T02, invitation
Workshop Applied and Computational Category Theory (ACCAT 2007) at the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS-2007). Braga, Portugal, March 25, 2007. Organizers and chairmen: H. Ehrig, J. Pfalzgraf, U. Prange.
Talk announcement for Mar 22 2007: MPEG-7 based Content-Based Image Retrieval - Recognition of Botanical Bloom Characteristics. Harald Kosch (Lehrstuhl für Verteilte Informationssysteme, Uni Passau), 16:15, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 15 2006: Wissensbasierte Montageplanung in der Digitalen Fabrik. Michael F. Zäh (Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften (iwb), TU München), 15:00, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Dec 14 2006: Hochleistungsrechnen - Aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen. Dr. Karl Fürlinger (Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation / Parallelrechnerarchitektur, Fakultät für Informatik, TU München), 17:00, T03, invitation
Talk announcement for Nov 30 2006: Die Methode der Finiten Elemente zur Strukturanalyse von Knochen. Prof. Dr. Peter Arbenz (Institut für Computational Science, ETH Zürich), 17:15, T03, invitation
Talk announcement for Nov 30 2006: Formale Modellierung flexibler Prozesse in mobilen Ad-hoc Netzwerken mit algebraischen Higher-Order-Netzen. Julia Padberg (Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik, TU Berlin), 16:15, T01, invitation
November 21 2006: Martin Heimlich wins the first prize of the BCCS Business Award by Business Creation Center Salzburg, worth €1.700, for his master's thesis, supervised by Martin Held. The award is for innovation and practical business-relevance of academic work.
Talk announcement for Oct 13 2006: Probabilistic Models for Verification. Ana Sokolova (University of Nijmegen), 14:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for Oct 5 2006: Accelerando: Hard Real Time Programming within the Java Memory Model. Joshua Auerbach (IBM TJ Watson Research Center), 16:00, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for Oct 4 2006: Work Overview and Discussion of Issues in Embedded Control Software. Eduardo Marques (Underwater Systems and Technology Lab, University of Porto), 16:00, T02, invitation
August 21-25 2006: The SatNEx Summer School 2006 is hosted by the department.
Jochen Pfalzgraf presents an invited keynote address on Applied and Computational Category Theory (ACCAT): Its Origins and Perspectives at the InterSymp-2006 conference in Baden-Baden, Germany, August 7-12 2006, where he also receives the Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award and Medal.
Talk announcement for June 30 2006: Den Garbage-Collector hören: ein Software-Synthesizer in Java. Florian Bömers (, Tritonus, Java Sound Resources, Sun Microsystems Java Sound Abteilung), 14:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for June 23 2006: Static Analyses and Optimizations of DSP Software. Ivan Pryanishnikov (CD Lab Compilation Techniques, Institut für Computersprachen, TU Wien), 14:00, T02, invitation
Talk announcement for June 21 2006: Wissensbasierte Montageplanung in der Digitalen Fabrik. Henning Rudolf (Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften (iwb), TU München), 17:15, T01, invitation
Talk announcement for May 3 2006: Anwendungen wissensbasierter Methoden in der Bildverarbeitung. Univ.-Prof.Dr. Erich Peter Klement (Department of Knowledge-Based Mathematical Systems, Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz-Hagenberg, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Softwarepark Hagenberg), 17:15, T01
Talk announcement for April 6 2006: Approximating an open polygonal curve by a minimum number of circular arcs. Prof. Scot Drysdale (Computer Science Dept. at Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA), 16:00, T02
Workshop Applied and Computational Category Theory (ACCAT 2006) at the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS-2006). TU Vienna, Austria, March 26 2006. Organizers and chairmen: J. Pfalzgraf and H. Ehrig.
During January and February 2006 the former departments of Scientific Computing and Computer Science merged into the department of Computer Sciences. The contents of their websites have already largely been incorporated here.
Talk announcement for January 26 2006: Visionen zu universellen Kommunikationsnetzen. DI Dr. Helmut Malleck and DI Wolfgang Reichl (TU Wien, ÖFEG), 16:00, T02
Talk announcement for December 01 2005: Efficient Preprocessing in the Parallel Block-Jacobi SVD Algorithm. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gabriel Okša (Institute for Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic), 16:00, T02
November 9 2005: Four books authored and edited by department members have been presented in a solemn event.
September 19-21 2005: The international Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security CMS'05 and the ECRYPT Summer School on Multimedia Security are held in Salzburg
Symposium on Multiagent Systems (MAS), Robotics and Cybernetics: Theory and Practice at the 17th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (InterSymp-2005). Baden-Baden, Germany, August 3 2005. Organizer and chairman: J. Pfalzgraf.
Talk announcement for June, 24th 2005: Ganzzahlige Programmierung: Anwendungen und Effiziente Algorithmen. Dr. Friedrich Eisenbrand (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany), 14:00, T03
April 20-23 2005: The international workshop on parallel numerics PARNUM'05, which is co-organized by our HPC working group, takes place in Portoroz, Slovenia.
March 05 2005: An article about digital watermarks developed by our Multimedia working group appears in the ORF online news.
February 2005: Andreas Uhl gives a keynote talk at PDP 2005, the 13th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (Lugano, Switzerland)
Talk announcement for November 23 2004: Erfindungen und Patente an der Universität Salzburg. Mag. My Chung, 11:30-13:00, T06, more info
Talk announcements for November 17 2004: Die Austrian Grid Initiative. o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Volkert, 14:00 and Der Grid Visualization Kernel und Globus Grids. ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller, 15:00
October 2004: A paper is being presented at the ICIP 2004 conference (IEEE International Conference on Image Processing)
October 15 2004: A Scientific Computing Mini-Symposium took place on Oct. 15th on occasion of Peter Zinterhof's 60th birthday.
September 2004: Two papers have been presented at the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop in Magdeburg.
September 2004: Two papers have been presented at the EURASIP EUSIPCO conference in Vienna.
August 2004: Werner Michael Dietl, a former student of computer science, received the OCG-Förderpreis for the best masters thesis in 2004 (title: Improving the Security of Wavelet-based Watermarking Systems). He wrote the thesis while working with the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security group at our department.
July 2004: Open job position for a technician, see the announcement (GZ: A 0052/1-2004) for some details.
Talk Announcement for July 22 2004: Numerisch intensive Anwendungen in den umweltmeteorologischen Arbeitsschwerpunkten. Univ.-Doz. Petra Seibert, Dr. Bernd Krueger, Mag. Andreas Frank (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien), 11 Uhr ct, T02
July 2004: A 1-year prolongation of the FWF Project 15170 has been approved.
June 2004: Two papers have been presented at the IEEE Multimedia and Expo in Taipeh, Taiwan.
June 2004: Sony DADC offers some jobs.
June 2004: please have a look at Talents 2004 - die Jobmesse.
June 2004: New website is online
March 2004: The department welcomes the new members migrating from the Department of Computer Science.